SRH Universites

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  • SRH – Education and Health

    SRH – A strong partner for education and health Our company is operating in the education as well as health sector, aiming to improve people's quality of life and life chances. The design of our development [...] entrepreneurial action. In this way, we reinvest our profits in the future markets of education and health in order to continuously improve our offerings, promote innovation and open up new life opportunities [...] the best possible medical care in all phases of life. Competent and cordial. Learn more about SRH Health (in German) SRH Lern more about us! SRH Higher Education Universities within SRH Our Mission Learning

  • Our campuses

    SRH Hochschule Heidelberg UAS SRH Hochschule in Nordrhein-Westfalen UAS SRH University of Applied Health Sciences DLU SRH Fernhochschule – The Distance Learning University UAS SRH Wilhelm Löhe Hochschule

  • Why SRH

    sustainably and independently of capital interests. As a leading private provider of education and health services, SRH opens up prospects for everyone, young and old. The SRH universities are part of this